Sonny Orgeron Featured in PBOG Magazine

Director of Information Systems and Security Sonny Orgeron spoke to Paul Wiseman at Permian Basin Oil and Gas Magazine about the changing landscape of information systems in the energy industry. Sonny told Paul that information technology safety includes data and people. Read the excerpt below, or the full story here.
...It's much like inspecting the area around a car or service truck before jumping in and taking off, said Danos' Sonny Orgeron, the company's director of information systems and security. Before using AI to inform decisions based on cloud databases, staff members should follow company data safety protocols, he pointed out, although the dangers may be different.
"Digital safety might not cause someone to lose a life or limb, but it definitely can cripple a company's reputation and its ability to function as a business, to services customers and employees," he noted.
Acknowledging that the vast majority of data breaches are caused by an employee failing to follow existing sercuirty protocols, Orgeron has a recommendation. If every application an employee wants to install has to be approved by the data governance team or information services governance team, it would help. "You put in some trip bars, for lack fo a better term, and if an application trips on this, it's going to keep someone from implementing it. It has to constantly evolve because there are so many applications, technologies and joint technologies that come out."
Orgeron's phrase for the ongoing diligence is that, "It's not like a George Foreman - you can't set it and forgeti it."
On the more human side, he said Danos has implemented propcedures for its service vehicles that do involve the 360 degree pre-driving walk-around before driving off, and it also includes software in the vehicle that "helps employees be mindful and focus on driving safely," he said.